Creating a Plugin¶
This will go over the first steps of creating a plugin from scratch.
Getting started in Boo?
Starting the project¶
Starting is easy. In the game folder, open up a terminal. On windows, you can do this by holding down shift, and right clicking in the window, then clicking "Open command line here". Then, run the following command to start in dev-mode (replace myplugin
with the name of the your plugin, and WorldName
with the name of your world):
empeld.exe --dev --plugins essentials,myplugin --world WorldName
You can see a full list of arguments by running
empeld.exe -h
To see other ways to start empeld from CLI, see Dev Mode
In CSharp¶
Setting up a Project¶
- Start by opening up your IDE and creating a new C# library project
- Add a reference to pluginbase.dll, essentials.dll, and OpenTK.dll in the project. Make sure copy-local is False (or unchecked)
- Add the following attribute line to your AssemblyInfo.cs (Or equivalent file, or create the file if none exists)
[assembly: EmpeldPlugin]
Suggested Development¶
Setting up Running¶
It is recommended that you do a few additional steps while setting up your project to make it easier to work on.
- Make the output path of your dll to be the plugins folder in the empeld install directory
- Set the running application to be empeld.exe
- Set the startup params to either:
--plugins essentials,myplugin -a myusername:mypassword -bgserver -join localhost
- This will make sure your plugin is loaded, your logged in, and you're running in client-server mode
- Create a 'content' folder next to your mode
- Make sure to copy (or link) this content folder to your plugins folder, with the same name as your mod
You can see Arguments for a full list of supported arguments.
When it comes time to share your plugin, you need to give out two pieces:
- The compiled dll, eg
- The zipped resources of your content folder with the same name
See Distributing for more detail.