Feature List
Main Features
- Run on Windows, Linux, and Mac
- Two rendering pipelines: Fixed, and GLSL (It will work on older cards and computers!)
- Plugin friendly (Everything is a plugin)
- Write plugins in either C# or Boo (Python-like)
- Mix and match worlds, game modes, and environments from other plugins in both single player and multiplayer
- Procedural world generation
- Block filters (For seasonal changes and regeneration)
- World modifies (Allows plugins to transparently alter other world generators to suit their needs)
- Saving/Persist systems
- Multiplayer synchronization system
- RPC to send events to other clients or servers
- Entity system that automatically synchronizes
- Load animations, static objects
- Bump maps, emissions, reflectivity (SERB) system
- Script-based particle systems
- World position based audio system
- Near-infinite procedural world generation (2147483647 to -2147483647)
UI Framework
- XML Markup that defines
- Access and dynamically control UI with Boo
- Use GlueStick to synchronize values from game objects with UI controls
World Rendering features
- Auto Level of Detail (LoD) for geometry in the world
- Animated textures
- Alpha/blending correctly
- Shadows built-in
- Reflection cube-map built-in
- World is allowed to define gravity at different points
Environment system
- Environment consists of sky layers (Texture, colors, dynamic)
- Orbital objects are images or textured spheres which have the ability to emit light
- Orbitals correctly cast light on each other and on the world
- Early models of wind that impacts particles and weather
- Weather as a collision-based particle system
Global rendering features
- Shadows on everything
- SSAO in post-processing pipeline
- Allow custom post-processing filters (Both "plain" filters for older computers, and GLSL filters)
- Server can run completely standalone and configured separately
- Access server internals with a set of convenient JSON REST endpoints for things like
- Internal server health
- Resources
- Online players
Set of Essential Libraries
- Several sets of "essential" libraries provide a foundation for game development
- essentials - Base code for entities, simple environments, and prefab structures. Also includes common things like in-game chat and scoreboard
- essentials.action - The basics for FPS and gravity-based entities. Also implements item drops and pathing libraries, along with some basic AI classes
- essentials.blocks.* - Various sets of common blocks, ranging from grass, rock, ice, water, to alien vegetation
- essentials.blocks.vegetation
- essentials.blocks.structural
- essentials.blocks.alien