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Bocce is the Empeld Boo internal preprocessor. It also ships next to the game as bocce.exe, so that you can test compile your scripts outside of the game.

Bocce is a preprocessor for the Boo language.

Bocce preprocessor directives

The import wildcard Bocce allows you to import nested namespaces

simply by specifying a wildcard. Eg. if you need to import a bunch of namespaces in essentials, simply do:

 import essentials.Blocks.*

This can be very powerful, but will also generate a lot of unused namespace warnings.

Including other files You can include files from areas of your code,

or boccelib, simply by using the #include statement

 #include "macros"

This will automatically search within your project first, and then in any included paths. For example, plugins includes boccelib/, and UI also includes ui/lib/

Assembly references

You can add an assembly reference to your file using

 #reference plugins/essentials.dll

Macros Macros can be very powerful to simplify writing Boo code

(which can sometimes be verbose). They are similar to how C implements macros, but combined with the power of regex.

eg. I define the @Dependency macro to be this:

 #define "@Dependency (\w+) (\w+)" "[pluginbase.Dependencies.Dependency] final $2 as $1"

Debugging macros Macros can be hard to debug, that's why I include

extra debug information when you compile using the `-v` flag (Verbose).

Special Variables Special variables in Bocce are surrounded by

%, and can be very useful in debugging or describing relative files and paths.


@Declare TextureResource _resolver.Resolve("%DIR%/woodchips.jpg")

Here are defined special variables:

Name Description
%DIR% The current path to the source file path/to/
%PATH% The full path to the source file, eg path/to/
%FILENAME% Just the filename of the file, eg
%LINE% The current line number